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Our Team

Our team is made up of employees and associates using our network of core technical experts – recognised in their field - and analysts.


While we build our structure, we are continuously looking for new associates and partners to work with: if you are interested, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Simon Messenger

CEO & Founder


Simon Messenger is the Founder and CEO of 1Planet Advisory. He has held a number of senior roles in the field and was previously Director at the 2 Degrees Investing Initiative and Managing Director at the Climate Disclosure Standards Boards (CDSB).


He is currently the European Senior Advisor to the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Advisor to FinanceMap and works closely with NGOs and wider civil society on the implementation of the COP 26 Sustainable Finance goals (he currently coordinates the UNEP-FI Collective Commitment on Climate Action group and supports WWF in recruiting Asset Owners to the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance programme.


He has over 15 years’ professional and academic experience in climate change, extra-financial reporting and sustainable finance.


In his career, he has worked closely with a large selection of financial institutions, regulators, supervisors, policy makers, corporates and broader initiatives to accelerate the development of sustainability-related metrics, standards and frameworks. An experienced speaker, he has spoken at over 100 international conferences and high-level international events, including COP24 and COP25, as an expert in extra-financial reporting and sustainable finance.


Simon has first class degrees in Ecological Economics (MSc) and Environmental Geosciences (BSc (Hons)).

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