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Our Services

At 1Planet Advisory, we develop evidence-based insights, identify risks and opportunities, cut through complexities, and empower organisations.


Click below to find out more about each of our current services:

Data and Reporting 

Our Sustainability Reinvented platform provides investors and corporates with a bespoke analysis of their reporting against international disclosures, initiatives or requirements.


The platform analyses conformity and alignment with a range of frameworks, directives and regulations including:


  • the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD),

  • the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive – including EU Taxonomy and (once confirmed) other European Supervisory Authorities requirements,

  • wider initiatives such as CDP, the SASB Standards, the GRI Framework, the CDSB Framework and, for French Investors, the Article 173 regulation. 

Sustainable Finance


Our Sustainable Finance service brings together our other workstreams to support financial institutions in reconciling their economic performance with positive social and environmental impact.


Sustainable Finance is now a central tenet of financial regulators and national policy makers globally, with the European Commission placing it as one of its central priorities. As rules evolve, financial institutions will need to understand more thoroughly how exposed their portfolios are to sustainability requirements. 


We apply our Sustainability Reinvented approach to work with financial institutions to develop solutions to questions such as:


  • How do my investments map against the proposed EU Taxonomy?

  • How aligned is my portfolio with the goals of the Paris Agreement?

  • What is the “shading” of my portfolio?

  • What are the data requirements from regulators and supervisors?

  • How to define and implement a responsible investment approach (e.g. exclusion criteria)?

  • How do I report to meet the requirements of the TCFD?

Risk Management

We work with companies to manage the risks their businesses face due to a changing climate and wider sustainability considerations.


We work with organisations to identify material sustainability-related risks and opportunities, identify areas of their business most at risk or able to catalyse opportunities.


Our 4-staged Sustainability Reinvented risk management programme includes:


  1. Materiality Assessment: using our materiality assessment tool, we work with you to understand and assess the materiality of sector-specific, geography-specific, and organisation-specific risks and opportunities

  2. Workshops: we work with senior and operational staff to further assess processes, linkages and opportunities related to climate and sustainability factors, and build the materiality matrix to understand short-term and long-term risks

  3. Planning: using the outputs of phases 1 and 2, we develop bespoke climate/sustainability-related risk mitigation plans

  4. Integrating and monitoring: our final stage is an ongoing partnership, where we work closely with your teams to ensure new plans and processes are implemented successfully

Capacity Building & Training

Regulatory requirements, methodological developments and best practices in sustainability reporting, sustainability risk management and sustainable finance are evolving at break-neck speed.


We work with organisations to build internal capacity and train staff to understand how to integrate sustainability and climate change considerations in all elements of their operations, from working with C-level executives to operational staff.


Our three-phased programmes (Phase 1: Contextual Capacity Building, Phase 2: Role/Organisation-specific Training, Phase 3: Practical implementation) are built around a suite of theoretical and practical workshops and classes.

Bespoke Services

We work with organisations and financial institutions to combine our expertise and knowledge of sustainability-related topics to coordinate, manage and deliver bespoke projects linked to specific client needs. 


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